Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A little background

I have been a chub most of my life. And if you were me as a teen you would have known how gigantic I was. But if you were not me, you would have thought that I looked pretty good. I got serious after high school and started working out and actually got slim. Then I got married and had 2 kids and I was not thin anymore. I had tried and failed at lots of diets in my life. The banana and milk diet, Slim Fast, starvation, the Scarsdale diet, a ton of those diets they advertise on infomercials, pretty much all of them.
Dave and I were going on our first cruise, so I gave the Atkins diet a try since I hadn't done that one yet.
I was REALLY good on Atkins. I bought those pee test strips and tested my pee every day and yes, I was in ketosis. I bought the expensive no-carb treats. I really deprived myself of any good food. It drove Dave crazy. And to tell the truth, I knew it was nutty to pig out on pork rinds, bacon and heavy whipping cream thinking I would lose weight, but that is what the directions said to do and I worked really hard to follow this plan. (I really did work hard at this) I worked hard for 12 whole weeks and my payoff... a 7 pound loss. 7 measly pounds. That wasn't even 1 pound a week. I was so jealous of my friends and family members who didn't even try on Atkins and cheated and ate tons of carbs and lost like 25 pounds. It was so sad. And I know that I shouldn't be mad at a 7 pound loss, but after 12 HARD weeks, that wasn't even a 5% loss. Sooo, I took those 7 pounds and went on that fantastic first cruise with Dave and tried a new plan the next year.
I joined Weight Watchers (again) and happily lost 12 pounds in my first few months and it was great!
Then I got pregnant with Harry and had to put WW on hold.
When he was 6 weeks old I started back, and since I was nursing, I got a TON of extra points and I lost ALL the weight (and then some) and life was good. I really liked being a size 10 again. I was .5 away from goal, and I got stuck on a platau. It was hard to get over it. I acually never did. I was 145.5 and never made it to 145.
I got really sick in December of that year, and after I recovered, I gave up on WW and gained it all back.
Of course I still went to WW meetings sometimes, and over the next few years I would half heartedly give it a try, but I was never really committed.
Last year we had a Biggest Loosers group at school. I joined and lost 22 pounds and came in 3rd place! I won $140!!! It was great and I felt really good!
But then I got busy again and lost focus and started gaining again right before our cruise. The trip was AMAZING!!! And after I got back I was still on pig out mode, and the holidays came and I never stopped pigging out.
I turned 36 and went to Weight Watchers the next day. I netted a 5 pound loss for the year.
That day I determined to really do it this time. And so far I am doing it. Yes, it has only been 1 month. I lost 10 pounds in January! Woo-hoo!
Elly and I each have 45 pounds to go. We want to be WW leaders together. She is really motivating me.
So, this is me... and I can do it this time.

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