Thursday, January 3, 2013

Who doesn't love some good before and afters???

I went to San Francisco 2 summers in a row.  We took a Hornblower cruise around the bay both times. 
 (- if you ever get the chance, it is pretty cool. ) 
Here we are on the pier, waiting to board.  That is a 12 month difference. 

And here I am in the boys football jersey.  In 2011 it was senior night, and we got to walk on the field with our player.  I was trying my best to hide my body behind the boys.  It was such a special night, and I was so self conscious.

This year I had NO problem walking around the stands and being in the crowd.  I wasn't the fat mom this year.  I can't even describe how different it is for me now.  This transformation has not only given me my health, but it is giving my a life.   

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