Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Picking up the pieces

We are getting better every day. I went down to palm springs yesterday. I hit jamba juice, and then went makeup shopping. I still didn't get the makeup brushes I like, so I had to get them in ebey this morning. And then I went to the rite aid pharmacy and picked up my prescription. My insurance doesn't cover my acne stuff, and it was gonna be a hardship to pay the $200 for it, but I have been without it for almost a week, and just had to get it. Surprise... My insirance DID cover it for some crazy reason, and I only had to pay $25! Wow!!!
So, now my hair is curled, I have makeup on and I'm feeling good!
Bonus- dave has a chiropractor appt this morning and we get to go to jamba juice again today! Woo-hoo!

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