Thursday, January 26, 2012


This is what breakfast looked like.  It looked better than it tasted.  I did add salt & pepper.  Tomorrow I will add green Tabasco, if it is allowed.
Lunch was better.  I had the chicken and wild rice soup.  It needed salt. A lot of salt.  But not too bad.  Since I refuse to advertise my plan right now, I will not be using the cute little medifast cup that came in my kit.  I made the soup this morning while I was prepping my eggs.  I microwaved it on 40% power for 40 seconds at a time for about 5 or 6 minutes.  I was really afraid that the soup would boil over,and I don't want that. And I am trying to make this transition as seamless as possible, so making the soup at school was not in my plan.  Instead, I brought the cooked soup in some tupperware and heated it up at lunch.  I looked like I was doing something normal.  ;)
I drank a ton of water and logged into the medifast site and got things started.  & I waited too long for my "3rd meal" so I now have a headache.  But, I can say that the caramel crunch bars are less gross than the eggs.  :)

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