Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 2

I'm not gonna lie, day 1 was going fine, then came crashing down in the evening.
I had a headache all day, I was jittery and freezing, and I got  a tummy ache in the evening and I ended up spending a bit of extra time in the bathroom.  (I'll be polite and put it like this: the fat just melted away. )  I was totally tired and went to be waaay later than normal.  Then I woke up at 2 am and tossed and turned for like 2 1/2 hours.  I did fall back asleep after 4, then Jordan woke me up at 4:45 to ask me something before he left for his field trip.  (he is going whale watching & Grandpa is gonna be his bus driver!  Coolio :)  Then I fell back asleep, and Dalin woke me up at 6:45 because he needed a ride to school, cause Jordan has been long gone.  This really is something new for me... I always sleep well.  Always.
I am blaming this on either 1. actually being sick, or 2. I'm just getting used to how things work and I am a little anxious.Did I mention that part of the study involves a placebo or Phentermine.  I was sure that I had the real thing yesterday morning.  But today I took it again today when I took Dal to school and I still feel normal.  I did have that massive headache, so after my breakfast I took 2 Tylenol.  I am feeling much better now, and thinking I have the placebo.  (I have heard that the medifast food makes you feel "peppy" and full of energy, & that people always ask what stimulant they put in the food)
I am confidant that I will have a MUCH better day today and that my sleep will be back to normal tonight!
Dave is home today, and I am getting ready for my BIG BIG HUGE sale tomorrow, so things should be easier.  (because Dave always pays way more attention to details like time and stuff, so I won't eat late)
I'll be checking back in throughout the day to add my other meals.  Wish me luck!  
Here is this mornings breakfast:
A French Vanilla Shake

Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Ugck! Kinda... My first one was a little over-done. The second one is better. I will be getting sugar free syrups soon. I added salt, so they are already better. The last one is ok, & the "chocolate" chips do help! 
Overall, will I eat this again? Well, ya... I've got 6 more packets haha. I will probably buy it again too. I think I just need to get used to the new "flavors" of the medifast food.  
& for the record, I am feeling better now that I have eaten.  :)

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