Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 4

This is getting easier, but it is still day 4... I hope it stays this easy.  I just realized that I haven't had to make any food decisions for the last few days.  We have the missionaries coming for dinner on Thursday, and I know they will need some carbs with dinner.  I kind of don't want to think about cooking, because that might make me get a little crazy.  & I am pretty sure my kids will need to eat "normal" food for the next 6 months.  I am going to have to start making sides for them.
Tonight is our first family "Sunday Dinner" with my in-laws.  We go there for dinner EVERY Sunday night.  We have had family Sunday Dinner since before Dalin was born.  We love love love getting together as a family each week.  My in-laws have been doing Weight Watchers for a year, and are doing awesome!  & my father-in-law is the cook.  When we announced a few weeks ago that we would be starting this program, my FIL got a little worried.  Like, how was he going to cook for us???  He is great!!!  Dave and I each got a getting started guide with our kits, so I gave mine to them.  (I opened it up to the lean and green page, so he wouldn't need to search for it.)  I told them to just make dinner like normal, and Dave and I will just eat the meat and veggies, and not have the sides and stuff.   It will be my first meal that I haven't planned.  I will be fine.  (I wonder if they still want me to bring brownies or something... hhmmm)
I slept great again last night!  & even had the desire to fix my hair.  (which is kindof a big deal, because I normally just let it air-dry or leave it really fluffy, and my hair normally looks really bad.  which is silly, because I do have really awesome hair, I am just too lazy, or in a huge hurry and never fix it.)  I dried it straight and it really looked great!  I actually felt cute!
Breakfast was an orange shake & tons of water.  I brought lots of water with me to church.  I had my mid-morning "meal" during nursery, when the kids were snacking.  I had the peanut butter bar.  I know Dave said he hated it, but I actually liked it.  When we got home I got brave and tried the eggs again.  I added a tiny bit of chicken bullion and some Cavenders Greek seasoning.  It totally helped!  They still didn't taste "good" so I put green Tabasco on top and that made it much more like I am used to.  Still not eggs, still not awesome, but something I can still tinker with.
Dinner went great!  Don made his awesome grilled chicken and my favorite salad.  That was easy!  I normally won't eat the baked potatoes anyway, so the only thing I didn't have was dressing on my salad.  (salt & pepper was just fine for tonight)  I did forget to make dessert, so they had to live without it.  ;( Dave worked late today and is still not at home.  I came back from the Stake Youth Fireside with the kids (really really good)  and realized it was 8 pm, time for my next "meal."  I had a cinnamon crunch bar and when I logged it in, I noticed that I have only had 4 "meals" today plus my lean & green.  I still need to get one more in for today, but I don't picture myself staying up much longer.
Dalin broke my scale this afternoon.  I did weigh myself before that.  -2.2 so far.  I have to get a new scale tomorrow.  I won't know if there is any real change, since my new scale will be different then the old one.  I'll just get to go forward with the new scale and hope that the new number will be lower than the one I saw this morning.  204.8

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