Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 6

Donuts; it's not what is for breakfast

Day 6.  So far I am enjoying this plan.  I know it is still really really early on, but I am getting used to/not hating the food.  I find it easy to not have to think about what I am going to eat.  Will it be too many calories?
Will it have too much fat?  Will I eat too much?  Not having to think about it is really refreshing.  I still have to think about what time it is, and when was my last "meal."  Dinner is the only thing I need to plan, and Dave is really good about helping with this.  
So, what's with the donuts???  Well, this morning we had a staff potluck in the staff lunch room, (which I totally ignored) and since it was a minimum day, we had a staff training class in my room.  When I got there at 9, the rest of the staff in the training had been there since maybe around 7 ish (I'm guessing).  & the Principal had brought in a box of donuts as a treat.  They were on the table right next to my desk. yay.  No bigs though, I am new enough at this and still excited, so this wasn't a temptation.  
Yesterday I took a big leap and called my friend Susan.  She is a health coach and I asked her to take on me and Dave.  I <3 her!  We talked for at least 30 mins.  and she got me so pumped up.  I am sure that I will be able to do this now!  

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