Thursday, February 9, 2012

Two weeks down, 5.8 pounds gone. :)

I'm still going at it.  Today is my 15th day on medifast.  I am getting used to it and I even liked the oatmeal  this morning.  It is surprising to me that even though we only get 5 little tiny "meals" plus the lean and green each day, we are not constantly starving.  I was sure I would be starving all the time and miserable.  But I'm not.  Really.  I didn't even have a hard time at Uncle Arnold's Super Bowl party.  I brought my little tiny bag of BBQ crunches, and they served shrimp and the meat had the sauce on the side, and Don made his awesome salad.  We were really fine.  (ok, Dave did freak out a little when he saw the cream puffs, and did have 3 of them, one at a time. He chewed each one and spit it out in the trash.  Seriously gross, but it made him happy ) 
As for me, I have started setting a timer on my phone that goes off every 2  1/2 hours to tell me it is time to eat.  I know it sounds silly, but I really need it so I don't go too long without food.  Yes, I will get hungry if I go more than 3 hours, but more importantly, I want to stay in "fat-burning mode" and they say if I eat every few hours, it will keep me there.  It seems to be working, because since I started timing myself, I have gone down  4 pounds.  That's a grand total of 5.8 pounds in 2 weeks!  And for anyone wondering about Dave, he is doing awesome!  As of yesterday, he was down 18 pounds!!!  I am totally excited for him! 
Oh, & lean and green???  Last night I had the BEST!!!!  I defrosted some shrimp and tossed it in a bag with some salt and garlic and 2 tsp of olive oil.  Shook it around a bit and then put it on a baking sheet.  I broiled it for a few minutes until it was done, and served it over some steamed asparagus.  It truly was beautiful and delish!!!   Dessert  was a medifast chocolate brownie.  I microwaved it for 45 seconds and then popped it into the freezer till I was ready for it.  It was really a treat.  (Oh my goodness, am I really enjoying this???) 

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