Thursday, February 23, 2012

4 weeks done -> down 11 pounds!

Here we are starting week 5 and  we are doing great!  Dave has lost over 22 pounds and I am at 11 today!  We have gotten into the groove and this seems to be really simple.  I do have my moments when I walk by a banana on the counter, or when I put the kids leftovers away, that I want to just grab a nibble, like I always did, and then I remember what I am doing.  It kinda makes me happy, not feel deprived.  (does that sound strange?) 
One of my friends at work was REALLY successful with medifast a few years ago and gave me a HUGE HUGE supply of her leftovers.  It really came in handy, since Dave still hasn't gotten his food order.  (mine did, so we are ok.... and honestly, I think my friend gave us more than 20 boxes... so he is set!)  My clothes are looser, and if I had size 18 jeans I would totally be wearing them, but I don't ... somehow I skipped from size 16 to 20 when I was going up. 
Last week was a really rough emotional week for me.  Valentine's Day was very nice.  Dave brought me home an awesome bouquet of asparagus and arranged it in a cute vase.  It was pretty awesome.  He grilled Fillet Minion for us for dinner, and I broiled some shrimp, and he had lobster tail.  It was a freezing week and we actually had snow 2 days.  Jordan started swim team practice - in the snow!  But along with all of that really nice stuff, I was very very sad because my CTMH sisters' lost their 10 year old nephew in his battle with cancer.  It was really breaking my heart, and little Oliver Palmer was all I could think of last week.  Then to make it even more fun, Dave got transferred to a new store in La Quinta.  It is a HUGE drive for him, and this will mean HUGE changes on our budget right now.  Gas just went back up to $4 a gallon, and his F150 is not gonna be the commuter car we need, so reluctantly we need to go car shopping.  And soon.  And I really hate car shopping.  Buying a new car is a huge commitment.  What if we get the wrong car?  What if we pay way too much?  So, I was pretty much a wreck all week. 
However,  with all that stuff going on, I am really glad that I am on this Medifast plan.  It has helped me make safe eating choices.  I am pretty sure that I would have been stuffing myself last week if I hadn't had this to focus on.  Seeing that on the page looks a little funny to me.  But, that is how I gained so much weight to begin with.  Each time we faced some kind of crazy life thing, I would eat.  and eat.  And eat.  Wow.  This appetite study came at the perfect time in our lives.  ~ awesome!
We have narrowed our car search down to 2 (or 3) choices.  I think the 2012 Toyota Yaris would be fun.  Dave hates that idea, and the kids all think it is ugly.  So Dave is looking at the brand new 2012 chevy Sonic.  This is its debut year,  it gets great mileage, and the price is right.  He is also looking at a Ford Fiesta.  (honestly, I really don't want that)  It looks like a newer body design, so I guess it won't be too embarrassing.  (but how is the Yaris more embarrassing than a Fiesta???)
 Oh- I have been making the brownies and the chocolate chip soft bake in the waffle iron we borrowed from Elly... YUM!  They come out really nice!  This morning I added an extra TBL of water to my chocolate chip soft bake  (a total of 3 TLB's) and it came out so crunchy and nice.    And last night I baked some chicken breasts with some seasonings.  I chopped it into chunks and served it over a green salad.  It was a GREAT dinner!  

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