Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I found some old weight records

I like to imagine that I remember exactly what I used to weigh, and since I have been watching my weight since I was a teen, that is a lot of numbers to remember.  The truth is, I really have no idea what the actual numbers are.  There are some weights in the past that I can recall: I was down to 145 when Harry was 1.  When I got sick with my "brain thing" I weighed 155.  I don't know what I was when I got married, and I can't recall my heaviest.  (I ended up getting fatter *after* I had Dalin... whatever.)
My main goal right now is to get to my "fire" weight.  That would be where I was when the house burned down. I know that I have gained a ton since the fire, so I am looking forward to getting that off.  With that in mind, I found a few of my old WW weight records.  I should have taken pics of, or copied them off of the card that I had at WW when I was going there, but I never did, so I don't have that info.  But, I have these random cards, so in a effort to not lose these too, here are my past weight loss attempts:

12-29-08      190.6  (the day after my 26th birthday... a good time to start fresh)
 1-05-09       187.4
 1-12-09       186.0
 1-19-09       184.8
 1-26-09       183.6
 2-02-09       180.0
 2-09-09       179.6 (I had my big scrap retreat in big bear after this )
 2-23-09       177.2 (I went to Phoenix after this)
 3-02-09       177.8  (then we had the fire)
 3-23-09       173.6  (so, I was probably around 175 ish when we had the fire. )
 3-30-09       170.6  ( I quit eating after that, so this is my lowest until I started going back up.)
 4-20-09       175.4
 4-27-09       174.0 (& then I guess I just gave up???)
 9-14-09       187.8  (I think I should have stopped there and worked back down, right?)

                                   But no, I am not sure where the other weights are, but I found this sad record:

 4-11-11       205.0  I know that I had been going on and off in 2010,
 4-18-11       202.8     but obviously, whatever I was doing wasn't working.

However, I am pleased to announce that I am finding success with Medifast.  :) and I am happily working my way back down the scale.  I am looking forward to getting rid of my post-fire wardrobe.  I really can't wait to have all new cute clothes that fit and are not circus-tent-huge.  :)

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