Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Has it really been a whole year?

Guess what? It has, & I have a 35 pound gain to show for it! I know! What happened? After re-reading my last post, I guess I should blame MJ, but I won't. Instead I will toss the blame on the stress of the fire & go from there.

We moved back into our new home the end of February and life is goooood! It must be really good, because after we moved back in, I gained an extra 10 lbs, & pushed myself into the 200 + lb range. Yes. I did.

So, here I am. Again. At the start of another summer. Dave took the first week off to be with us. Today is his first day back at work, so it is our first day of summer all over again.

I went back to WW 3 weeks ago & I lost some of that extra weight, so now I am back under 200. Yikes. I really can't believe I did that to myself. When ALL of my clothes were waaaay too tight, maybe that should have been a clue.

Ok, so I wear fat girl clothes again. & my 20 year high school reunion is in August. Oh well.
I am just gonna suck it up and work on this & not give up!

I joined Taekwondo last summer. I am a camo belt. I love it & I need to keep fit so I can do the jumps & kicks & stuff. I saw a Tshirt yesterday that said: A black belt is just a white belt that didn't quit.
So there you have it. I just can't quit!
Ok, see you tomorrow. :)

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