Thursday, October 28, 2010

ok, so here I go again...

Yes, it has been a LOOOOooooonnnnnggggg time since I posted anything on here.  The main truth is that I hadn't been working on much, so I didn't have any real reason to document what I was doing.  Like, did I really want to write on the web that I ate a whole box of donuts, or a bag of twizzlers, or a pie and a cake???  No, not really.  So I didn't. 
Annnnddd, here I am today, Thursday, October 28, 2010.  A whole lot fatter and pretty much ready to really make some changes. 
So, here is what has been going on:  I took up American Taekwondo.  I LOVE it!  Really, I do!  I never thought I would, but it is really fun.  I have been doing it for a little over a year.  I have my purple belt and I am quite surprised that even a fatty like me can do it.  Along with finding my new sport, I discovered, that if I act like a pig all the time, my clothes will get waaaay too tight, and I will have to buy fat lady clothes. 
I am over 200 pounds, I wear a size 20 and the ER doctor just discovered a HUGE cyst on my liver.  I don't drink or smoke, or even drink soda, so this is a little bit of a wake up call to me.  I started having this crazy sharp pain in my right side about 4 weeks ago.  After pretty much "wait and see" from the physicians, I went to my chiropractor yesterday, since I haven't been to work in 3 weeks and I need to get my life back. 
Here we go.
I did some crazy test where I held on to some metal "probes," like batteries with wires connected to his computer.  He says I have a bunch of toxins in my body.  (shocker - not)  low energy.  (yes)  and a virus (which is what the physicians said was causing my pain) among other things. 
He gave me some homeopathic drops and I will go back for adjustments each week, and get re-probed in 5 weeks.
So, that is when I decided to document this.  I have 5 weeks to see if there are any noticeable changes.  I am sure that Dave will think I am just taking a placebo, and I actually do react well to those kind of mental suggestions.  Basically, I don't want to get any worse than I am right now, because, this is pretty suckish. 
Since I have been sick, I haven't been able to go to Taekwondo, and that is a bummer, because I am missing out on the awesome Purple section, and I'm gonna miss the testing cycle with my little group.  So, I really want to get better, and see improvement and be healthy.  Placebo or not, I hope this works.

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