Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Belly Fat Cure

Dr Whitlock suggested that I get the book The Belly Fat Cure.  I ordered it the other day, and I am just waiting for it to arrive. In the mean time, I checked out the website.  Pretty good stuff... I mean, what I read seems to make sense.  So, I am only going with the info I have, but yesterday was my first sugar-free day.  I wonder how things will progress. 

As far as the homeopathic; I have a cold so I'm not sure if that is being affected by the drops.  I did have a headache yesterday.  Again, maybe from the cold.  But since I'm starting the sugar-free thing, I have no idea what is doing what. 

I can say that I am actually pretty excited about actually making some positive changes.  We had our big "pumpkin carving party" last night.  Super fun, with about a zillion pumpkins.  (ok, maybe more like 16 pumpkins, but it seemed like a lot.)  I baked brownies, and a non-sugar-free-not-healthy pumpkin cake.  And, I actually wasn't too bothered by the idea of not sampling any of it.  I didn't even lick the spoons.  Dave did test the pumpkin cake and called it a winner!  I'll take his word for it and probably make it again.  I let my guests know that I am starting a sugar-less thing, and I was quite surprised to discover that 3 others there were also sugar-free!  They gave me high-fives and cheered me on!  So this may not be so hard, right?

The Belly Fat Cure: Discover the New Carb Swap System and Lose 4 to 9 lbs. Every Week

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