Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yes, it's true... it's time for Another Diet.

If you know me at all by now, you will see that I have a hard time 1. blogging, & 2. sticking with a diet.  This doesn't come as a surprise to me either.  And, now it is time again for another crack at this weight loss thing.  I keep telling myself that "I'm not as fat as that person over there," or "lots of people are fat... what't the big deal?" In the last year I have started and stopped weight watchers so many times.  & I have also seen Dave's parents find success with weight watchers.  They each have lost over 50 pounds and look great!  (they probably feel great too)
So, tomorrow, Dave and I will start a new program.  Okay, technically we will start the food thing on Thursday, but we start the program tomorrow.  We are going down to Loma Linda University and are going to be "guinea pigs" for a clinical appetite study.
What does that mean?  Well, basically, we get free Medifast for 6 months, in exchange for staying on the plan and getting our DNA & stuff tested during the study.  I heard "free diet" and had to sign up.  I know that Medifast does work.  I have a friend (Hi Susan!) who is a Take Shape for Life coach, and has had wonderful success and now helps others lose weight.  And I have seen some of my friends lose a LOT of weight in a short time with Medifast.  The biggest motivator for me is that Dave is going to do this with me!  So, this time, I won't starve while he eats doughnuts in front of me.  (Okay, to be fair, I think that was really only one just  time.)
We had a really fun time taking before pics tonight.  In the 18 years and 11 months that I have known Dave, he has never once stuck out his belly when taking photos.  Never.  Not once.  So, of course, tonight as we are taking pics, he sticks out his belly like he is 8 months preg.  I almost peed myself.  When I get permission from him, I will post those pics,  Until then, I will just add my own this weekend.
So, here goes another diet!

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